I am a midwest girl through and through, transplanted a few times and now residing on the mighty Ohio River. I love all things chocolate and all things music, my husband, my dogs, and my family. The most important thing about me is that I am loved by the one Savior of the world and rely on His grace to get me through the day. The New Old Fashioned Way is a culmination of the cooking and crafting I love, mixed with a glimpse into everything new I try, and centered around the new, old-fashioned family my husband and I are trying to build. Some day our nuclear family will be made up of pattering little feet adopted from other mothers, full of recycled ideas like gardening and baking from scratch. But for now, I hope you enjoy a journey with me to create the kind of home we would like to welcome children into, and maybe long enough to see the dream of a full house come to pass for us.